Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Oh Go Fund a Playground...

Oh why don't you just go fund a playground already! No really, GoFundMe a playground! Our school is small in size, but giant in heart and spirit. We are growing! Our Kindergarten program begins next fall! We are super excited to see this little school grow into a marvelous school. Yet what is that one thing that drives kids to our door? Well I can honestly say it's not our playground! I'd like to think that it's the family-like atmosphere along with the small classroom sizes. I'm sure it may also have to do with God being our focus in our education. Yet again, it's not our playground!!!

Here's what I mean. Our small playground services it's purpose. We've got swings. Slides. Even a nice basketball court. But that's not really what our children need. They need a safe and fun playground! We need a playground that we can be proud of. Our playground also encourages the community to come and check out not only our school, but our church as well.

So here is my plea. It seems that nowadays, everyone is creating a GoFundMe account. I've seen it from "Pay my Tutition" to "Free Tom Brady." However, this GoFundMe that I'm about to introduce has a special meaning. This is for the kids of Forestdale Christian School. We are about half way towards raising money for a new playground, but we need help. It has taken years and years to raise funds. But now YOU can help. You're not simply "donating money to Forestdale." You are helping make recess and PE a better and more fun experience for children. You are providing a church with a community outreach. You are providing the next generation with memories.

So please, go and look at the site. I urge you to think about the young kids who will be coming to Forestdale. Give them the fun memories that you have of your own playground days.

GoFundMe Forestdale Playground

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Our Church's Future

The students at Forestdale Christian School "took over" the Woodstock Seventh-day Adventist Church last Sabbath, May 9th. Part of our school's curriculum is to educate our students on their future in the church. Church sometimes becomes a mundane routine. We wake up, get all pretty (or handsome) and go. We sit in Sabbath School. Maybe voice a few comments. We greet friends in between services. We sit through the pastor's sermon and then we go home. Yet how does a church service run? How many people are responsible for different duties? What exactly are the church officers? When I was in grade school and in high school, I had heard about Elders and Deacons, but I had no idea what they did. It became a burden on my heart to teach the young people about how to run a church service. In the Northern New England Conference of Seventh-day Adventist, there is a saying about our young people: The future is now. Our young people are our future. And they are here. Now. They are willing and ready to stand up in front of the congregation and praise the Lord!

I am proud to say that the Forestdale students did amazing at their church service. They performed the duties of an elder and deacon in calling for the offering. They read scripture, called for praises and prayer requests, and offered the morning prayer. These kids had practiced so all the nerves would be out. They performed a beautiful play about Prayer. Their message to our church was simply that they are here. They are ready to be apart of our congregation. And we at Forestdale Christian School are here to guide our young people and educate them not just for the future, but for eternity.